Our Network of Certified Harmonic Facilitators
We want to offer professional support to all interested parties from all possible industries and contexts nationwide. Since we cannot do this alone, we are gradually building up a network of Certified Harmonic Facilitators in cooperation with the graduates of our training courses.
All members of the network are fully qualified wonderful harmonic facilitators and at the same time great professionals in their respective fields. Currently listed as members are:
name: Dr. Petra Nieckchen
work focus: Process support and expert advice on strategic communication for directors of research institutions and their communication managers.
location: Vienna and Europe-wide in German and English
Telefon: +43 670 3545 006
email: office@petranieckchen.com
Website: https://petranieckchen.com

name: Dr. Thomas Rathmann
work focus: Coaching and support for individuals and teams (in particular for school management teams and the establishment and development of school management teams)
Ort: Berlin, Potsdam und online
Telefon: +49 176 7290 8365
email: info@beratung-rathmann-potsdam.de

name: Astrid Wallner
work focus: Coaching and consulting for communication professionals (media professionals and communication managers), coaching for individuals, team development, executive coaching; coach DGfC
location: Hamburg and worldwide (Offline- and Online-Coaching)
Telefon: +49 160 7221666
email: kontakt@comspective.de

name: Nina Göntgen-Voss
work focus: Sustainability & Empowerment, Leadership, Coaching, Personal & Team Development, Entrepreneurship & Start-ups
location: Remote (flexible - online, in person by arrangement)
email: ninafelicia.goentgen@gmail.com

name: Ingeborg Molster
work focus: leadership, facilitation, coaching, personal and team development
location: Berlin
email: ingeborg@molster-international.com

name: Dr. Dirk Harms work focus: chronic illness, end-of-life decisions, palliative care and suicide, ethical case conferences, development of specialized palliative care teams location: Brandenburg an der Havel, Berlin email: palliativmedizin.harms@gmail.com

name: Christoph Pörksen work focus: consulting, coaching, supervision (administration / NGOs) location: Berlin web: www.poerksen-coaching.de email: cpoerksen@gmail.com

name: Andreas Borrmann
work focus: pedagogy (eurythmy - language; theatre)
location: Berlin und Stuttgart
Tel. 030 80 90 62 52;
email: borrmand@posteo.de

name: Anne Gromov
work focus: counselling for parents with children in difficult life situations (illnesses/disabilities, puberty, foster/adoptive children, school problems/ bullying, separation/death in the family)
location: Düsseldorf
phone: +49.0178.5121070
email: all-about-you@outlook.de

name: Kai Malkwitz
work focus: entrepreneurship / foundation of (sustainable) companies
location: Berlin
email: kai@malkwitz.com

name: Luminita Nemtanu
work focus: coaching on family, partnership, career
location: Berlin
email: nemtanu.l@web. de

name: Simone Rieger
work focus: science management and marketing (project planning, scientific career planning)
location: Eichstätt, Ingolstadt and Berlin
email: rieger@culture-and-science.de

Name: Franziska-Marie Scholz
work focus: music (pedagogy, organization and concerts)
location: Hannover and Berlin
email: kontakt@fmscholz.com

Name: Thomas Wegmann (MBA & Eng.) work focus: personality development, career and life decisions location: Berlin, D-A-CH Tel. +49 170 8049988 email: thomas.wegmann@klarsehen.org web: https://klarsehen.org